Thank you.

<3, Your Pride Family

Our 2019 theme is Stonewall 50: A Legacy of Liberation. We have taken the year to reflect on the gifts given to us by the struggles and sacrifices of our Stonewall generation and consider the world we want to leave to the next generation. I continue to be inspired by our community’s history of resilience.

In our past, Stonewall, the Briggs initiative, the AIDS epidemic, DADT, and DOMA all swung at our community and together we fought back. Together we became stronger.

Currently, the epidemic of murder targeting predominantly black trans women, the border crisis of so many LGBTQ asylum seekers in need of help, rising rate of hate crimes, huge legal battles, and an administration that continues to attack our community with discriminatory policies and rhetoric all have us weary and enraged–-and yet our history gives me hope.

I know that generations of queer wisdom will serve us well. As these disparate challenges seek to divide us, I know our battle-tested brilliance will unite us to persevere. Our Legacy of Liberation is one of created community, found family, and formidable friendships, and for that I am thankful.


About Fernando

Fernando Lopez was the Executive Director of San Diego Pride. Lopez’s years of LGBT advocacy, nonprofit management, public education, diversity consulting, media relations, guest lectures, and organizing have made them a consistent presence ensuring the struggles of the LGBT community are ever visible.