We’re giving away $340,000!

2019 San Diego Pride Parade

It is truly a joy to be a part of this organization. 2019 was our largest and most successful year to date. The impact of San Diego Pride is only possible through the help of our 70 LGBTQ-serving nonprofit community partners, 117 sponsors, 575 entertainers, 1,966 volunteers, 55,000 Festival attendees, 350,000 Parade attendees, and the people who enjoy our programs 365 days a year. 

I love that we are able to join in celebration, pursue justice with joy, and reinvest the proceeds of Pride into the health and happiness of our LGBTQ community. We do that by providing free Festival entry to HIV testing, youth, seniors, and others receiving direct services and care. We provide free electronics, products, and meeting spaces to help our regional LGBTQ-serving organizations raise money and organize. San Diego Pride also has the distinction of being one of the most philanthropic Prides in the world as we’ve given out more than 3 million dollars to since 1994.

This year I’m pleased to announce that our cash donations to our community are over $212,000 to more than 60 organizations, and when combined with our in-kind donations we’ve given out over $340,000 in 2019! I can’t thank you enough for being a part of making this all possible. Thank you for being a part of our Legacy of Liberation!

P.S. My birthday is this coming Tuesday, December 17, and in lieu of gifts I’m asking my friends to donate to the Tracie Jada O’brien Scholarship Fund. I’m personally giving $500 to the fund. Gifts of any size are helpful and 100% of your gift will go to a transgender student. Please consider going to sdpride.org/donate, select “Trans Scholarship,” and leave me a birthday message in the comments if you do. 


About Fernando

Fernando Lopez was the Executive Director of San Diego Pride. Lopez’s years of LGBT advocacy, nonprofit management, public education, diversity consulting, media relations, guest lectures, and organizing have made them a consistent presence ensuring the struggles of the LGBT community are ever visible.