
Zaide Jurado

Pronouns: She/Ella

Title: Co-Chair

Organization: She Fest

Bio: Prior to attending the San Diego Pride festival, I didn’t really understand the feeling of being in a safe, inclusinve, and supportive space. Once I got a little taste, I began my volunteer involvement with Pride. My first year volunteering at the festival was the rain year, in 2015. I started my journey as a ticket seller. That initial encounter with Festival goers…that incredible energy… it just feels like no other! From there I headed to Pride Village where I spent a few years and made my way up the ranks from volunteer to supervisor and ultimatelly coordinator.

In 2021, in addition to volunteering with Pride, I joined the She Fest committee; “a volunteer committee that centers the diverse experiences of 2SLGBTQ+ women, non-binary people, and people who find community with these identities.” It has been a magical experience volunteering alongside these phenomenal committee members, putting on year round programming as well as orchestrating our annual She Fest event. Then, in October of 2022, I was presented with an incredible opportunity of becoming co-chair for She Fest along with Jeanette Starpine. It has been a wild ride!

Speaking at: Fostering an Engaged and Sustainable Volunteer Program