Give OUT Day 2022

Pride Year Round
San Diego Pride is a 501(c)3 non-profit that has served the LGBTQ community for over 40 years. We are one of the ONLY Pride organizations providing year-round education, advocacy, and organizing programs ensuring that we foster Pride, equality, and respect for LGBTQ individuals!
On top of our annual parade and festival, we engage over 70,000 community members through 30+ programs and events including the Youth Leadership Academy, QAPIMEDA Coalition, Latinx Coalition, She Fest, the #MeTooLGBT Summit, The Transgender Day of Empowerment, Pride Youth Marching Band, Vote with Pride, and more.
San Diego Pride is a 501(C)3 non-profit that has served the LGBTQ community for over 40 years. We are one of the ONLY pride organizations providing year-round education, advocacy, and organizing programs to support the LGBTQ community. For us, fostering pride, equality, and respect for LGBTQ individuals is a 365-day a year mission. Our work is focused on connecting individuals living at the intersections of multiple marginalized identities including youth, seniors, people with disabilities, veterans, Latinx, Black, and API communities to each other and to vital social safety nets.