Our Global Impact

In 1981 San Diego Pride board member Doug Moore created a list of Pride organizers around the country, and from that list in 1982 InterPride was founded with a half dozen Pride organizations meeting in Boston that year. In 1983 the first official InterPride conference was then held in San Diego. Since that time, InterPride has grown into a truly international organization that brings together a global network of LGBTQI organizations and activists, shares knowledges and best practices, and is a wellspring for resources to be distributed around the world.

As San Diego’s Pride has grown to be one of the most philanthropic Prides in the world, we have been able to find funding for trans women in Malaysia, deliver condom and lube access in Niger and Uganda, and give scholarship opportunities for folks to travel from around the globe and learn at InterPride about how they can better serve at home in their own nations.

In partnership with the Department of State and the San Diego Diplomacy Council we have met with 411 delegates from 127 countries around the world in just the last few years, and this summer, during Pride weekend, we will be hosting LGBTQI leaders from Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Chile, Finland, France, Grenada, Israel, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Turkey, and Vietnam.

We hope you will join us at this year’s Pride World Forum where each of you will have the opportunity to hear from these leaders about what the LGBTQI community’s joys and struggles look like in their countries. Hopefully, you will make some long lasting connections too. Let’s continue our tradition of building a worldwide network of LGBTQI support, so that globally we may Persist with Pride.



About Fernando

Fernando Lopez was the Executive Director of San Diego Pride. Lopez’s years of LGBT advocacy, nonprofit management, public education, diversity consulting, media relations, guest lectures, and organizing have made them a consistent presence ensuring the struggles of the LGBT community are ever visible.