Trans Form Our Community

2018 Trans Day of Empowerment Scholarship Recipients with Founder Tracie Jada O’Brien.

Physical and political attacks against our trans community members have been on the rise the last few years, yet in this torturous landscape, trans excellence continues to shine through. Last year, it was inspiring to see people all across the country come together to uphold trans rights in Massachusetts, and to witness the ‘We Won’t Be Erased’ protests that happened all over the nation calling out the current administration’s anti-trans policies. We can still do more.

Recently San Diego Pride joined Funders for LGBTQ issues in taking the GUTC pledge (Grantmakers United for Trans Communities) which commits us to trans centered training and professional development, recruitment and retention, grantmaking, and expressions of support. Not only did we take the pledge, our team is also actively working to encourage other funders to make these commitments as well.

In addition to funding trans led organizations, we have proudly steward the Tracie Jada O’Brien Trans Student Scholarship for 4 years. Founded by a black trans elder, the volunteer-led fund committee has given out 67 scholarships totaling $33,500. I hope you will join us at Trans Day of Empowerment this Friday as 22 new scholarships are handed out. I also ask that you consider making a tax-deductible donation to the fund, as 100% of the funds go directly to transgender students. Wisdom is power, and you can be a part of uplifting the next generation of our trans community as we all take part in our Legacy of Liberation.


About Fernando

Fernando Lopez was the Executive Director of San Diego Pride. Lopez’s years of LGBT advocacy, nonprofit management, public education, diversity consulting, media relations, guest lectures, and organizing have made them a consistent presence ensuring the struggles of the LGBT community are ever visible.