International Pride’s in Your Living Room!

From the spark at Stonewall to the celebrations and protests all over the world, the international Pride movement represents the largest global network of LGBTQ social justice work. That structured network of activists started right here in San Diego with one of our Pride’s original members, Doug Moore. He created a list of Pride organizers around the country with a vision of uniting a movement. The first meeting was held in Boston in 1982, and the very first InterPride Conference was held here in San Diego in 1983. 

Over the decades, the Pride movement has grown to thousands of events and organizations on every continent on earth. Prides look different in every city, region, state, province, and nation. Each one approaches their protests, celebrations, advocacy, and services in ways that are unique and reflective of the communities they serve. What we have in common is our pursuit of liberation and justice of all LGBTQIA+ people and our commitment to support one another in pursuit of those goals.

2020 has presented humanity with the intense and deadly obstacle of a global pandemic, meaning that most Pride events in their previous forms have been canceled. These cancelations don’t just represent a lack of visibility, education, and direct services. They are also a devastating financial blow to the movement whether risking the financial stability of these organizations or jeopardizing the philanthropy that is born out of these events.

This year, our international LGBTQ Pride movement has taken on a new approach. Over a hundred volunteers and staff, from every continent, 91 countries, and more than 500 Prides, are collaborating to show the world what our movement is truly all about. Global leaders, activists, organizations, and entertainers from all over the world will be streaming right to your living rooms and mobile devices for 26 hours.

Just as Doug Moore helped bring us together almost 40 years ago, in 2020 San Diego Pride donated substantial staff time to ensure the success of this unprecedented endeavor. I hope you will join us in watching Global Pride and supporting the COVID-19 Pride Relief Fund which will help to lessen the financial impact of the pandemic on these international organizations. This year has been one of the toughest humanity has faced in recent history, but it’s inspiring to see how our Global LGBTQ community is standing together in our continued pursuit of justice with joy, as Together With Rise.

With Pride, Fernando Zweifach López
Pronouns: They/Them/Theirs
Executive Director
San Diego Pride

Learn more about Global Pride 2020 here.


About Fernando

Fernando Lopez was the Executive Director of San Diego Pride. Lopez’s years of LGBT advocacy, nonprofit management, public education, diversity consulting, media relations, guest lectures, and organizing have made them a consistent presence ensuring the struggles of the LGBT community are ever visible.