Our 2021 San Diego Pride events are…

As our community, nation, and the world slowly begin to heal from the ongoing devastation, unhealed wounds, and the lives lost from the COVID-19 pandemic each of us is working within our own capacity to move forward. Like anyone who has been injured, things take time to heal and return to a healthier state. That is why our 2021 theme is Resilient. We know that despite the pain, discrimination, violence, and death our community has faced, we endure, we overcome, we love, we thrive.

This Pride will be different, but we will still gather, march, rally, mourn, and celebrate. Some of us will feel safe enough to join crowds, some will celebrate with close friends and family at home, and some will tune in from around the world.

Pride started as a riot against police violence. Pride is a protest, a celebration, a gasp for air. Pride is our resilient unshackled vibrance gathered, pursuing justice with joy. However you choose to celebrate Pride with us this year, thank you. Your strength, bravery, and fearless queer brilliance carried you and us to brighter days. It is each of you who makes us collectively Resilient.

With Pride,

Fernando Zweifach López
Pronouns: They/Them/Theirs
Executive Director
San Diego Pride


About Fernando

Fernando Lopez was the Executive Director of San Diego Pride. Lopez’s years of LGBT advocacy, nonprofit management, public education, diversity consulting, media relations, guest lectures, and organizing have made them a consistent presence ensuring the struggles of the LGBT community are ever visible.