Cassandra Tomsha
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
About: Cassandra is a daughter, sister, wife, mother and ally, as well as the Pride Hospitality Coordinator. She has been volunteering with San Diego Pride for three years and before that, her family marched in the annual Pride Parade for more than 10 years.
Pride is a family affair for Cassandra. She gets all the Tomsha’s involved – mother, husband, siblings, cousins, and children. Cassandra and her family have staffed outreach tables, packed grocery bags, phone banked, delivered food, handed out water at marches and have even written notes to people who lost their jobs during the COVID-19 Pandemic. But, most important, Cassandra and her husband Bill, daughter Sophie and son Nico feed all 1700+ Pride Volunteers and Community Partners during Pride Weekend. Trust me, no one leaves hungry!
Cassandra also volunteers with 211 and a few other San Diego organizations. Work hard, play hard, and volunteer hard is the Tomsha family motto.