A Sweet Affair- Dessert & Wine Social Silent Auction Benefiting POZABILITIES

A Sweet Affair- Dessert & Wine Social Silent Auction Benefiting POZABILITIES

Date & Time:


Balboa Park Recital Hall


Join us at A Sweet Affair, a Dessert and Wine Social and Silent Auction on Sat. Feb 1, 2025 from 6:30 -8:30 pm at the Recital Hall in Balboa Park.  This is a benefit for POZabilities, an organization that means a lot to me. Please Join me!  POZabilities is an organization that works to decrease the stigma of HIV and to provide social and educational activities for those infected/affected with HIV here in San Diego.
Featuring Glitz Glam as Emcee and Music by DJ Feeling Feels.  Desserts from over 11 different providers.  And a delicious variety of wines to go along with the sweets!  Silent Auction featuring over 30 pieces of art, gift certificates to various bars and restaurants, experiences and more!  Vote for the best Dessert of the Evening and help choose the People’s Choice Award for best desserts!
Tickets are available at tinyurl.com/ASweetAffair   Use code “PRIDE” to receive $5.00 off a ticket.  Tables of 8 are available also. Get your family and co-workers together to make a difference.  If you can’t make it and want to help, you can go to the ordering page and select “Sorry We Can’t Attend” to make a donation.  Without AIDS Walk, our funding has decreased and this is one of our big fundraisers of the year to make up for it.