InterPride Arts and Culture

Art of Pride at the Conference

Enjoy artworks from local queer artists displayed throughout the Westin during InterPride weekend! Art of Pride was created to intentionally have civic and artistic spaces where LGBTQIA+ Artists can freely express themselves and have a venue for community members to enjoy their creativity. Art of Pride also supports local San Diego artists through commissioning artwork, providing education, and partnership with local organizations in creating events that bring our community together. Our volunteer cooperative of local LGBTQ+ artists have lent some of their works for attendees to view and enjoy in between workshops at the conference.

Día de los Muertos at the Conference 

Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is a holiday of Mexican origin, traditionally celebrated November 1-2, that honors the memories of loved ones who have passed away. Throughout Mexico, altars are set up as a sacred space to honor the dead with ofrendas or offerings of food, water, prayers, and anything the dead would have enjoyed in life. This ancient tradition is a reminder of the duality of life and death and celebrates the departed.

Día de los Muertos interactive altar will be set up during the conference to honor LGBTQ+ activists, icons, and community members we’ve lost. Attendees are invited to bring their own offerings to lay on the table, such as whole fruit, candy, marigolds, sage, crystals, notes, art work, calaveras de azúcar (sugar skulls), pan de muerto (sweet bread), or cigars. Please do not remove any items from the altar and be respectful of the memories of those being honored.

The altar will be available throughout conference programming times on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in the California Foyer.

Exhibits at the Opening Reception

San Diego Pride welcomes the world to San Diego by displaying pop-up LGBTQ+ history exhibits at St. Paul’s Cathedral. In collaboration with Lambda Archives, our local Queer community archives, attendees at the Opening Reception will enjoy taking a glimpse into our local LGBTQ+ history, the role that San Diego has played in the formation of InterPride, and other significant events in San Diego’s queer history!

Arts at the Center/Gala

After the Gala, step into another dimension with contortionists from Art in Flexion dressed in Halloween costumes performing the unthinkable. There will also be a 5-foot interactive Graffiti art wall and two interactive graffiti phone booths provided by local art space, Connect San Diego. Guests can also have their face painted before heading over to the local Halloween festivities at Nightmare on Normal Street.

Explore Local Queer History

Nestled behind America’s third oldest LGBTQ+ theatre, Lambda Archives of San Diego is home to one of the largest collections of LGBTQ+ in Southern California. Visit this hidden gem to view a mini-exhibit and to engage with some of our local LGBTQ+ history.