Spirit of Stonewall Speaker: Mack Goehring

Mack Goehring

Mack Goehring, is your not-so-average 12 year old. Born and raised in San Diego, Mack is currently a 6th grade honor-roll student in middle school and All Star soccer player. Mack is also an avid video-gamer, dog-lover, and nature enthusiast. When he is not spending time with his friends and family you can find him at the beach or pool. Mack is also a major ally, advocate, and activist for the LGBTQIA+ community and dedicates his time to educating and speaking out on behalf of the Transgender community.

Website: https://transfamilysos.org/

Facebook: TransFamily Support Services

Instagram: @transfamilysos

Learn more about our other Spirit of Stonewall Speakers here.


About San Diego Pride

San Diego Pride raises funds primarily through festival ticket and beverage sales, and through sponsorships, and exhibitor fees. These funds support San Diego Pride’s community philanthropy which has distributed more than $2.5 million in advancement of its mission to foster pride, equality, and respect for all lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities locally, nationally, and globally.