Register to and Vote with Pride this November

Dear Pride Family,

National Voter Registration Day is more than just a date on the calendar—it’s a powerful reminder that we each carry the responsibility to protect our communities and our collective future. 

For queer and trans people, and especially our Black, Indigenous, and people of color LGBTQIA+ folks, the right to vote must not be taken for granted. We now face an immense challenge that echoes the era of the Lavender Scare. It is more important than ever to make our voices heard at the ballot box. Voting is not just a civic duty—it’s an exclamation of one’s ideals and visions for our society.

Register to Vote: Securing Our Future

In recent years, we’ve seen a terrifying rise in hate crimes against LGBTQIA+ people and all of their intersections—from the hate crimes in Hillcrest to the ongoing crisis of murdered transgender women. 

The political landscape continues to evolve, and the rights we’ve fought so hard for can be rolled back with the stroke of a pen. That’s why registering to vote is more than just a task—it’s a commitment to protecting our community’s future.

National Voter Registration Day serves as an important reminder to ensure every eligible person in our community is registered to vote. Whether in local elections or national races, the LGBTQIA+ community has a direct stake in who represents us and what policies are adopted. Issues like health care access, transgender rights, and racial justice are all at stake, and our votes are key to shaping those decisions.

If you’re not registered yet or if you’ve moved since the last time you voted, don’t worry—getting registered is quick and simple. Visit our Vote with Pride webpage or stop by one of San Diego Pride’s voter registration drives to make sure your registration is up to date. The deadline to register for the upcoming election is October 21*, so don’t wait! Even if you think you’re registered, take a moment to double-check your status—people often move or change names, which may require an update to your voter record.

Protip: California also has same-day (conditional) voter registration if you miss the Oct 21 deadline!

2. Volunteer with Pride: Help Get Out the Vote

Our work doesn’t end with registering ourselves and at San Diego Pride, we’re committed to get out the vote. We know that our community needs a seat at the table, we make a tangible difference in elections and our local material conditions. We’ve seen what happens when we don’t show up, and allow others to make choices on our behalf.

This election cycle, we’re calling on YOU to get involved and help us reach even more people. You can volunteer with San Diego Pride in several ways, from helping at voter registration drives to phone & text banking and canvassing. Together, we can amplify our message, mobilize our allies, and ensure our community’s voice is heard loud and clear at the polls.

Interested in volunteering? Sign up for a shift to help us get out the vote and sign up for our advocacy team. Every conversation, every door knock, and every phone call has the potential to inspire someone to vote for the very first time or even their 50th. Be part of the movement—volunteer with Vote with Pride today!

Together, We Rise

National Voter Registration Day is our moment to take a first step, and it starts with making sure we’re all registered and ready to vote. But it doesn’t stop there. We need your help to spread the word—talk to your friends, family, and neighbors, and encourage them to register as well. You can also sign up to volunteer with San Diego Pride and play a direct role in mobilizing our community.

Pride understands the power of solidarity and resilience. We owe our rights to generations of leaders that have prepared the path for us. Together, we can ensure their work is not in vain and we trailblaze forward towards liberation. 

Vote with knowledge,

Vote with intention,

Vote with Pride,

Con Orgullo,

Esmeralda “Esmé” Quintero-Cubillan (They/She)

Vote with Pride Field Manager 

Outreach & Organizing Coordinator


About San Diego Pride

San Diego Pride raises funds primarily through festival ticket and beverage sales, and through sponsorships, and exhibitor fees. These funds support San Diego Pride’s community philanthropy which has distributed more than $2.5 million in advancement of its mission to foster pride, equality, and respect for all lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities locally, nationally, and globally.