Vote with Pride

Election Day: November 5, 2024

Sign Up to Volunteer 2024 Voter Guide (PDF)
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Vote With Pride 2024

The next general election comes up on November 5th, 2024. In addition to the national presidential race, you will also be voting on local elected officials and multiple state and local ballot measures. See below for San Diego Pride’s Voter Guide, including endorsements on select ballot measures, as well as opportunities to help us turn people out to vote and important election dates.

Ballots will be mailed out starting October 7th, 2024 for all registered voters. You can vote by mail, drop off your mail-in ballot at drop-off locations, or you can vote in-person at select locations, all beginning October 7th.

San Diego Pride Voter Guide (ENES)

2024 Voter Guide

At San Diego Pride, we believe in supporting initiatives and propositions that reflect our values of equality, justice, and inclusivity while remaining non-partisan. This election, we are proud to take positions on several key statewide measures that will directly impact the LGBTQIA+ community.

Our endorsements are based on thorough research and alignment with our Pillars of Justice. We encourage you to learn more about these propositions and join us in supporting measures that protect and uplift our community. Your vote on these initiatives will have a direct impact on the future of LGBTQIA+ rights in our state and beyond.

This November, Vote With Pride to:

  • Protect marriage equality
  • Support affordable housing for our LGBTQIA+ friends and allies
  • End involuntary servitude for LGBTQIA+ siblings who are incarcerated
  • Support a livable wage for LGBTQIA+ Californians


En San Diego Pride, creemos en apoyar iniciativas y proposiciones que reflejen nuestros valores de igualdad, justicia e inclusión, sin ser partidistas. Esta elección, estamos orgullosos de tomar posiciones en varias medidas clave a nivel estatal que tendrán un impacto directo en la comunidad LGBTQIA+.

Nuestros apoyos estan basados en una exhasutiva investigación y se alinean a nuestros Pilares de Justicia. Te invitamos a que aprendas más sobre estas propuestas y te unas a nosotros para apoyar las medidas que protegen y elevan a nuestra comunidad. Su voto en estas iniciativas tendrá un impacto directo en el futuro de los derechos LGBTQIA+ en nuestro Estado y más allá.

Este noviembre, vota con orgullo para:

  • Proteger el matromonio igualitario
  • Apoyar la vivienda asequible para nuestros amigos y aliados LGBTQIA
  • Poner fin a la servidumbre involuntaria para los hermanos LGBTQIA+ encarcelados
  • Apoyar un salario digno para los Californianos LGBTQIA+

2024 Voter Guide

Proposition 3: Right to Marry - YES // Derecho a contraer matrimonio -- SÍ

Proposition 3 enshrines the right to marry for same-sex couples in the California constitution.

Our state Constitution still holds the language of Proposition 8, the 2008 measure that denied marriage equality to same-sex couples. Supreme Court decisions have since found this and all marriage bans to be unconstitutional, rendering Prop 8 unenforceable. Proposition 3 ensures that no matter what happens at the US Supreme Court, Californians will still be free to marry who they love.

La Proposición 3 consagra el derecho al matrimonio para las parejas del mismo sexo en la Constitución de California.

Nuestra Constitución estatal aún mantiene el lenguaje de la Proposición 8, la medida de 2008 que negaba la igualdad matrimonial a las parejas del mismo sexo. Desde entonces, las decisiones del Tribunal Supremo han declarado inconstitucional ésta y todas las prohibiciones del matrimonio, haciendo que la Proposición 8 sea inaplicable. La Proposición 3 garantiza que, pase lo que pase en el Tribunal Supremo de EE.UU., los Californianos seguirán siendo libres de casarse con quien quieran.

Proposition 5: Supporting Affordable Housing -- YES // Apoyo a la vivienda asequible -- SÍ

Proposition 5 would make it easier for local governments in California to fund affordable housing and public infrastructure projects by lowering the vote requirement from 66.67% to 55%.

Housing is an LGBTQIA+ issue, as studies show that many in our community face housing instability, higher rates of poverty, and discrimination. By passing this measure, we can create more opportunities for safe, affordable housing that supports LGBTQIA+ individuals and families.

La Proposición 5 facilitaría a los gobiernos locales de California la financiación de viviendas asequibles y proyectos de infraestructuras públicas al reducir el requisito de voto del 66,67% al 55%.

La vivienda es una cuestión LGBTQIA+, ya que los estudios muestran que muchos en nuestra comunidad se enfrentan a la inestabilidad de la vivienda, mayores tasas de pobreza y discriminación. Al aprobar esta medida, podemos crear más oportunidades para viviendas seguras y asequibles que apoyen a las personas y familias LGBTQIA+.

Proposition 6: End Forced Labor in Prison -- YES // Acabar con el trabajo forzado en prisión -- SÍ

Proposition 6 aims to end forced labor for incarcerated people in California.

This issue disproportionately impacts the LGBTQIA+ community, as queer and trans BIPOC folks are incarcerated at higher rates than their non-LGBTQIA+ and non-white counterparts. Incarcerated people have been subjected to working for pennies on the dollar in egregious conditions. Passing Prop 6 would help protect the human rights and dignity of our LGBTQIA+ community members who are incarcerated and uphold justice and equality in California.

La Proposición 6 pretende acabar con el trabajo forzado de las personas encarceladas en California.

Este problema afecta de manera desproporcionada a la comunidad LGBTQIA+, ya que las personas queer y trans BIPOC son encarceladas en mayor proporción que sus homólogos no LGBTQIA+ y no blancos. Las personas encarceladas han sido sometidas a trabajar por centavos de dólar en condiciones atroces. La aprobación de la Proposición 6 ayudaría a proteger los derechos humanos y la dignidad de los miembros de nuestra comunidad LGBTQIA+ que están encarcelados y defendería la justicia y la igualdad en California.

Proposition 32: Increase Minimum Wage -- YES // Aumentar el Salario Mínimo -- SÍ

Proposition 32 would gradually raise California’s minimum wage to $18.

This increase is crucial for LGBTQIA+ workers, who often earn less than their non-LGBTQIA+ counterparts. On average, LGBTQIA+ workers earn 90 cents for every dollar that non-LGBTQIA+ workers make, with even lower wages for LGBTQIA+ people of color, transgender individuals, and non-binary people. Raising the minimum wage would help address these wage disparities and support economic stability for our community.

La Proposición 32 aumentaría gradualmente el salario mínimo de California hasta los 18 dólares.

Este aumento es crucial para los trabajadores LGBTQIA+, que a menudo ganan menos que sus homólogos no LGBTQIA+. En promedio, los trabajadores LGBTQIA+ ganan 90 centavos por cada dólar que ganan los trabajadores típicos, con salarios aún más bajos para las personas LGBTQIA+ de color, las personas transgénero y las personas no binarias. Aumentar el salario mínimo ayudaría a abordar estas disparidades salariales y apoyaría la estabilidad económica de nuestra comunidad.

Person working on computer, holding cell phone, with coffee and glasses

Volunteer for Vote With Pride

Join San Diego Pride in our efforts to rally our community and engage voters to turn up for November 5th’s election. We will be calling, texting, and canvassing to reach as many people as possible to get their commitment to vote in the 2024 election. It’s important for LGBTQIA+ people and our allies to exercise our right to vote!



Phone & Text Banking

Saturday, October 26
10:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Tuesday, October 29
5:30 PM – 8:30 PM


Hillcrest Farmers Market 
Sunday, October 20
9:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Trick or Vote
(door-to-door canvassing – Halloween-style!)

Thursday, October 31
3:00 PM – 7:00 PM



Questions? Email us at [email protected]!

Sign up to Volunteer
Woman of color in red heart shaped sunglasses and locs holds a sign that says

Important Election Dates

  • Sep 26th: Voter information pamphlets go out to registered voters
  • Oct 7: Ballots mailed to registered voters
  • Oct 7: Early voting begins at Registrar’s Office, Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm
  • Oct 8: Ballot drop box locations open
  • Oct 21: Voter registration deadline
    • *If you are not registered to vote by this date, you can still conditionally register and vote at the Registrar’s Office or any Vote Center through Election Day.*
  • Oct 26: SELECT vote center locations open daily from 8am-5pm
  • Oct 26: ALL vote center locations open daily from 8am-5pm
  • Nov 5: Last day to vote! Voting centers are open from 7 am- 8pm