The Power of Pride’s Philanthropy

2018 San Diego Pride Grant Recipients (Left to Right) : Casa Ruby, T-Home, Diversionary Theatre, Trans Pride – Pakistan, San Diego Black LGBTQ Coalition

In 1989 the leadership of San Diego Pride envisioned a model of organizing and fundraising that, in addition to supporting our own events and programs, could turn a profit to be returned to our community. As an organization, we began giving out grants starting in 1994 and have become one of the most philanthropic Prides in the world; we have given out nearly $3 million to LGBTQ-serving organizations locally, nationally, and globally. In 2018 we gave out $170,000 to 59 organizations. I wanted to share 3 short stories of the far-reaching impact that your support of San Diego Pride has on the rest of our LGBTQ community.

San Diego Black LGBTQ Coalition, 2018 Grant Recipient, San Diego ,CA
The San Diego Black LGBTQ Coalition has had a successful year doing outreach activities and creating a welcoming haven for their community. With the grant, they were able to host a number of events including their third annual conference. Additionally, their membership has grown by over one hundred people since Pride. They continue to grow and create intentional spaces for the Black LGBTQ population.

Casa Ruby, 2018 Grant Recipient, Washington D.C.
Casa Ruby utilized their funding for their transgender emergency shelter, which housed individuals from the migrant caravan. Among them was “Perla,” a 24-year old trans woman from El Salvador who walked 3,000 miles to seek shelter in the United States. After being released from ICE custody in San Antonio, “Perla” is now safely living in Washington D.C., connecting to community and resources and getting the medical treatment she needs.

Trans Pride in Pakistan, 2018 Grant Recipient, Lahore, Pakistan
With the help of San Diego Pride, Pakistan’s first Transgender Pride happened on December 29, 2018 as a way to celebrate the transgenders’ rights law that passed earlier in the year. They saw over 250 attendees, many of whom were attending their very first LGBTQ event. Building on their success, more than 25 volunteers, board members, and team leaders are currently working tirelessly to produce the first-ever LGBTQ Pride in Pakistan.

This is just a small fraction of the impact we are able to have thanks to the vision of folks like Christine Kehoe, Neil Good, Tim Williams, Barbra Blake, Joseph Mayer, and more who wanted to ensure that the role of Pride was one that helps to build the capacity of our community beyond the weekend events. Your support of Pride is vital in that work, and I can’t thank you enough for all you do to build upon our community’s Legacy of Liberation.

San Diego Pride will be accepting grant requests for our Pride Community Grant program in amounts ranging from $1,000.00 to $5,000.00 until 11:59 pm Thursday, October 31, 2019.


About Fernando

Fernando Lopez was the Executive Director of San Diego Pride. Lopez’s years of LGBT advocacy, nonprofit management, public education, diversity consulting, media relations, guest lectures, and organizing have made them a consistent presence ensuring the struggles of the LGBT community are ever visible.