🌈💪🏽Protect Choice & Marriage

Dear Pride Family,

Abortion is healthcare. Choice is a right. Reproductive justice is LGBTQ justice. Our fights are inexorably connected. The assaults on LGBTQ and reproductive justice are not new, and rather than stoking fear, we must resolve defiant and determined.

Just a year ago, the Supreme Court’s ruling in the Dobbs case struck a heavy blow to reproductive rights and with it, made vulnerable our hard-fought gains. In his concurrence, Justice Clarence Thomas took aim at LGBTQ right, and while most people were focusing on the attack on marriage, we have to realize that he was talking about Lawrence v Texas. He’s talking about criminalizing all of the LGBTQ community.  To lock us up. 

With over 650 anti-LGBTQ bills introduced nearly 70 have passed in 49 states; the war against our right to live free is happening now.

The extremist strategy of seeding policies and judicial appointments to dismantle protections for marginalized communities has been operating in broad daylight for far too long. 

While our rage rises, we must remember that these attacks on our rights are intertwined with issues of racial justice. The anti-choice movement, the growing attacks on LGBTQ rights, especially against our trans siblings, and the curtailment of voting rights are all connected by a thread of white supremacist extremism.

Ask yourself – what will you do in this moment?

Looking ahead, we have a monumental opportunity in 2024 to protect marriage equality once and for all in the state of California with a pro-LGBTQ ballot initiative to repeal Prop 8. San Diego Pride’s advocacy team will be out in force along the Parade route this year, gathering pledges to safeguard our freedom to marry. You can join our team!

Pride celebration will also uplift the intersection of reproductive and LGBTQ justice. The Spirit of Stonewall Rally on Friday, July 14, will honor Judith Vaughs with the Friend of Pride Award and feature Vernita Gutierrez as our speaker on Reproductive Justice, both have done inspiring work at the intersection of our movements.

At the Pride Festival attendees can look forward to a powerful performance by Pussy Riot, fierce advocates for body autonomy, the right to abortion, LGBTQ justice, and liberation!

In the face of this hate, let us remember our long legacy of justice for all people. Our movements must stand united against these threats as we continue to work towards a diverse, inclusive, and free democracy. Every one of us has the power to make strategic decisions that fight back against this oppression and dismantle it piece by piece. Let your fury fuel your fight. Let us stand together, defiant, hopeful, and driven in Pride and joy, that we all may Thrive!

With Pride,

Fernando Z. López
Pronouns: they/them/theirs
Executive Director
San Diego Pride


About Fernando

Fernando Lopez was the Executive Director of San Diego Pride. Lopez’s years of LGBT advocacy, nonprofit management, public education, diversity consulting, media relations, guest lectures, and organizing have made them a consistent presence ensuring the struggles of the LGBT community are ever visible.