Top 20 Things To Do At San Diego Pride – 2014 Edition

Lori Hensic (American Military Partner Association)20. Get married.

With marriage equality now the norm in California, the Big Gay Wedding Expo at the San Diego Pride Music Festival will include wedding ceremonies from noon to 4 pm on Saturday and 11:30 am to 12:30 pm on Sunday, along with entertainment, fashion shows, workshops, contests, and more – all related to wedding planning. Come celebrate, participate, and plan your big day!

Colorful Kids on Stage and SD Pride19. Dance.

This year’s San Diego Pride Music Festival features 10 stages and entertainment zones covering a wide variety of performance and music styles – and lots of DJs that will keep the Pride revelers moving all weekend long. Check out the full line up here: and get out there and dance!

18. Get Covered.

The San Diego Pride Festival will feature hundreds of booths with vendors ranging from community organizations, to businesses selling their wares. Be sure to stop by the San Diego LGBT Community Center’s booth to learn more about Covered California and your health insurance options.

17. Travel.

San Diego Pride has teamed up with Alaska Airlines to give away a trip to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico! The trip includes air travel for two on Alaska Airlines and three nights at The Westin Resort & Spa, Puerto Vallarta. Click here to enter:

Front Runners (9)16. Run.

Front Runners and Walkers of San Diego will present the annual Pride 5K starting at 9:30 am on Saturday, July 19. Registration is $35. Click here for more information:

15. Park your car and shuttle to Pride events for free!

While parking is tight in Hillcrest and Balboa Park on Pride weekend, San Diego Pride and ParkHillcrest have plenty of options available. Free parking lots are available at the Old Naval Hospital and san Diego City College, and the ParkHillcrest Trolley will provide free parking and transportation. Click here for more information:

14. Reflect.

This year is the 40th anniversary of San Diego’s Pride celebration – and the theme is Reflections is Pride – so participants are encouraged to take a moment to reflect on how far we’ve come. After the parade, stop by the base of the Hillcrest Pride Flag pole on Normal Street at University Avenue and check out the LGBT history display that was installed last year. Also check out the San Diego Pride history timeline in this year’s San Diego Pride Souvenir Guide.

Freedom to Serve - SD Pride13. Thank our veterans and servicemembers.

The San Diego Pride Parade is led by the Military Contingent which includes active duty and veteran servicemembers. Be sure to cheer them at the parade when the contingent passes by.

12. Play games.

Test your gaming skills at the FREE arcade – Arcade Alley – at the San Diego Pride Music Festival. Arcade Alley will be located near the Electric Alley Dance Stage.

11. Get tested.

Know your status. Get tested. Free HIV testing will be available throughout the weekend at the festival, provided by the UC San Diego Health System and San

10. Get to the Beach!Beach Ball

Get wet and wild at Pride’s new Oasis Beach Party! Go-go guys and gals sport their best swimwear while boogying beneath our cooling misters! Play some volleyball, toss around our beach balls, and enjoy the beats at this epic beach party!

9. Travel to outer space.

NASA will have a booth at San Diego Pride – the first Pride the agency has ever participated in – and invites Pride Festival goers to experience what it’s like to live and work in space.

(4) Block Party Stage Dancers8. Party in the streets!

Kick-off Pride weekend with the Pride of Hillcrest Block Party on Friday, July 18 from 7-11 pm on Normal Street at University Avenue. The event includes music, dancing, entertainment, beverages, and more! Purchase tickets here:

7. Celebrate the Spirit of Stonewall.

Don’t miss the annual Spirit of Stonewall Rally and Flag Raising, taking place on Friday, July 18 from 6-7 pm on Normal Street at University Avenue. The traditional start to San Diego Pride, this event recognizes and honors leaders who are working hard to preserve our gains, and meet the many challenges facing our collective community. Plus, the fabulous Laverne Cox and California Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins will address the crowd.

6. Celebrate arts and culture.

Several diverse Pride themed art and culture events are planned around town in the days leading up to and after the official San Diego Pride weekend. Check out the full list here:

SD Pride, San Diego Pride Parade5. Carry a 300 ft. rainbow flag.

Traditionally, San Diego Pride’s 300 foot rainbow flag trails the end of the annual pride parade, and leads the crowds to the two day musical festival at Balboa Park. When you see the flag parading down University Avenue and Sixth Avenue, grab on and walk and cheer with thousands of community members in celebration of Pride!

4. Share with the world!

Share, hashtag, like, and post to your heart’s content! Post your pictures and memories on social media throughout the weekend, and be sure to tag San Diego Pride on Facebook, @SanDiegoPride on Twitter, and @SanDiegoPride on Instagram.  It’s going to be a colorful  #SDPride!

3. Give back.

Proceeds from the San Diego Pride Music Festival benefit our community. Each year, San Diego Pride gives back thousands of dollars to the community. By purchasing a ticket to the music festival, you are helping Pride help the community. Want to make an additional donation to support this work? Click here:

2. Get involved.

Several of our community’s finest organizations will host booths at the festival and they want you to get involved. Take a few minutes to visit these organizations, learn about what they do, and sign-up to get involved.

1. Have Pride.Pride Flag SD Pride

Pride is not just a weekend, a party, or a parade. It is a community. Be a part of Pride in what ever way is feels genuine to you. Be safe, have fun, take care of each other, and be a part of the biggest, best, and most colorful celebration around!

Happy Pride!


About Fernando

Fernando Lopez was the Executive Director of San Diego Pride. Lopez’s years of LGBT advocacy, nonprofit management, public education, diversity consulting, media relations, guest lectures, and organizing have made them a consistent presence ensuring the struggles of the LGBT community are ever visible.